Ella Knapton

Ella Knapton

Although Ella and I work in the same department, we very rarely meet as I finish work early in the afternoon and Ella arrives in the evening. But when she does call in during the day her sunny voice and happy nature pervade our workplace. Ella’s enthusiasm for Bellamys at Five is magic!

Introducing Ella:

What current projects are you working on, besides ours of course?
A range of projects for art school, it takes up all of my time.

Have the jobs you’ve had to take to pay your bills had any bearing on your art? 
A few in the past definitely have. I worked in an art gallery for a few years. The people I have met through my jobs have been more influential.

Where do you find inspiration for your work?
A whole range of places, different cultures, music, film, religion.

What type of materials do you use?
Paint, felt pens and pencils, cameras.

What artists have influenced you?
My most influential artist would have to be ‘Swoon’ . She is a new York street artist who does amazing woodcut prints on wheat paper. Also my grandfather, Ray Harrington who is an impressionist painter who does oil landscapes and my sister Abbey Knapton who has just completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design, her taste level is pretty immaculate.

Have you travelled outside New Zealand and if so have your travels inspired new artwork?
I was born in Rarotonga and raised in Australia. But my dream travel plans are more influential.

The Potala Palace, Tibet

The Potala Palace, Tibet

How does place – where you live –affect your work?
Place – weather – mood affects my work.

Do you remember your first sale? If so, what was it?
My first real sale was last year because I couldn’t make my rent ..haha

When you’re creating a work how much importance do you place on the ‘will this sell or not’ question?

Do you work in your studio every day?
Most days

What’s your preferred working scenario – isolation, company, music, silence?
Music, very loud music. My studio is open with surrounding students so it’s always a social place. It’s nice to put headphones in and zone out.

Mountain Range China

Mountain Range China

What were you doing before Art School?
Working in cafes.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?
With a lot more travel under my belt, with a new motorbike, with longer hair, happy, location unknown…

What made you accept our invitation?
The project itself is pretty awesome I would be a fool not to accept.

I’m hoping to persuade Ella to show us some of the work she’s producing at Art School so check in here again soon.

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